We went to an Animation Camp at the MAC.

First we watched videos on what shadow animation was and played a few games.

On the second day we did an activity for choosing a back ground on the special shadow animation screen and act out a scene behind.After that activity we started writing our scripts on the real animation film.We could either be in groups or single.I chose to be single however that meant I would have to do everything by myself.

On the third day we cut out our characters from black card and I(and some other people) put coloured laminated paper(also known as gel)under some of their characters or pieces to make it a bit colourful.

On the fourth day we spent all day animating and doing the credits.We had to take so many pictures in the animating!

On the last day we recorded the speech and showed the final films to our parents.

My animation was about some people having a party and then someone arrives in a rocket and then they go in the rocket to space and then an alien attacks the rocket so they all jump out and land safely in the graveyard. But then the zombies came and ate two of the people and there was one person left and he started to run but he was cornered.Then the rocket came from out of space and destroyed the zombies.

My brother did a scene on football.

By Ibraheem

You can see our final Animation videos here