This page is kept as an archive for my daughter from when she was in Year 6 - she's now at a local grammar school and taking GCSEs!

 Hi, I'm Tauriel.  My favourite subjects are Science, English and Sports, and I also loove reading. Although I enjoy reading all sorts of books, my favourite ones are:

  • 'The Lord of the Rings'
  • 'The Hobbit'
  • 'Artemis Fowl'
  • 'The Supernaturalist'



Recently I went to Birmingham University to look at different fossils. Some of my favourite fossils looked like this...  

I had lots of fun looking around and learning about different fossils. I looked at different trilobites while I was there.

I also went to Botanical Gardens. I looked at all the different plants and flowers. My favourite part was looking at the birds and parrots. I liked the parrots the best.


Today I went to Botanical Gardens. It was loads of fun and I collected some flowers that had blown of the trees during the windy day. My favourite flowers that I saw were the daffodils. I look forward in planting some daffodils in September.


Today I went to The Big Bang science fair. It was lots of fun. I tried out loads of different activities and watched the 'Big Bang' show. 


I have finished the whole 'Heroes of Olympus' series .


I have finished reading 'The Son of Neptune', and I have started to read 'The Mark Of Athena'. I have also got my own laptop, so I can work more efficiently on the internet, and on things like PowerPoint and Microsoft Word.


I have finished reading the 'Percy Jackson' series. I have started to read the series sequel, the 'Heroes of Olympus'. I have finished the first one in the series, 'The Lost Hero', and I have now started the next one in the series ('The son of Neptune'). I would recommend the books for anyone is into adventure, on and make-believe. The series are about ,young, modern day, teenage kids that happen to have a Greek/Roman god as one of their parents(these kids are called half-bloods). The half-bloods have to fight 'monsters', and go on really exciting but deadly quests, to save their


I am doing some French at home, and I have finished creating my dress.



I went to my friend's house to do crafts. We made a bookmark with different stitches all over it. We also started to make a pom-pom, but it wont be finished until next week. 


I have nearly finished my dress, and I am just doing the finishing touches. I am working on a piece of writing called The Old Suitcase'. For my science, I am now looking at cells. This week, I looked at the cell of an onion, a cell of a potato, a hair cell, and the cell of an animal.


Yesterday I finished reading:

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

And today, I finished reading:

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters

Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse

Percy Jackson - The Demigod Files

Now I am waiting for the other Percy Jackson books to arrive from Amazon.


I went the 'Qalam' exhibition in Birmingham, and I found out a lot about the calligraphy. Some of the Qurans were over a thousand years old. I enjoyed the Birmingham History exhibition. There was so much to find out that we only got to 1945 after 2 hours! We will go back to finish it off. I felt sad about the slave trade. I believe that we must never oppress other people. I liked the buttons and I would like to design my own.


For my science lesson, I used red cabbage juice as a pH indicator.I learned about acids and alkalis. I have also started to make a dress.  


I went to a friend's house (who is home-schooled), then I had lunch with some more friends before catching the train to Birmingham city centre, and going to the Town Hall to watch a play: 'What the Ladybird Heard'. It was fascinating to see how the animals in the play were made from old bikes and other objects.


I went out to a restaurant in Birmingham, called 'La favourita', for lunch.It was way better than old school lunches. 


I used the human rights maths book to do my maths. I did a exercise on fairtrade chocolate. 


I went to 'Thinktank' museum, and learned about lots of different things. I watched a show at the planetarium.


I signed up for a website called 'khan academy'. I wrote a program, using the 'Khan Academy' computer editor, to draw a meal!  I made the picture out of computer code.The first program I made shown...


I've finished reading  'Party Shoes', and I am moving on to a non-fiction book next.


I'm starting a project about religious festivals. If you would like to do the same  project here are some religions, and their festivals,


  • Wesak


  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Christmas

  • Diwali

  • Yom Kippur

  • Vaisakhi

  • Eid al-Fitir
  • Eid al-Adha
  • Ashura



I've finished reading 'The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage' by Enid Blyton, and I have started to read 'Party Shoes'.


I'm reading,'The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage' by Enid Blyton. And today I made cake pops. Use the video link below to make your own.